WoSA West Africa Tour 18-20 July 2019 

Visitor Information and Registration:

Contact: Matome@wosa.co.za

Exhibitor Information:

Show Coordinator: Carissa Keur
Phone: +27 21 883 3860
Email: Carissa@wosa.co.za
Starts: 18 July 2019
Ends: 20 July 2019
Country: Ghana & Nigeria 

Following a successful Wines of South Africa (WOSA) West Africa Grand Tasting Tour last year in Lagos, Nigeria and Accra, Ghana. WOSA is organizing the fifth tour starting in Lagos, Nigeria and then on to Accra, Ghana from the 18th – 20th July 2019.


The tour forms part of the WOSA annual celebration of International Nelson Mandela Day.

The objectives of these tastings are twofold - to promote awareness of the South African category and increase distribution and sales of our wines in these markets. We will invite key trade, media and selected affluent consumers and portfolio managers working in the food and beverage/hospitality industry to the events.

We would like to present a full range of South African wines currently available to consumers in Nigeria & Ghana as well as introduce new wine brands to the markets. All producers are invited to apply and secure tables. 

There are only 30 tables available per event. Note that applications will be handled on a first come, first served basis and be advised that in order to secure space we will require a signed contract